30 March 2020
Covid-19 Measures at Napoli Property Commercial Facilities
To Our Valued Customers,
At our facilities (East Park Mall, Acacia Park, Lewanika Shopping Centre & Jacaranda Mall ) we strive to provide the best experience for our visitors and, in the current time of uncertainty with regards to COVID-19, we remain committed to this goal.
We care deeply about your safety, whether you are using our facilities or at home within the Zambian community. As the impact of COVID-19 continues to expand, the health and safety of our clientele remains our highest priority. We are closely monitoring the situation, including all government and World Health Organisation advised safety measures and mandates.
We are implementing best practice guidelines in our facilities and offices.
What we are doing at our mall facilities:
Hand sanitiser stations have been introduced at the entrances to the Mall. We encourage all customers, tenants and employees to make use of them regularly.
Additional Cleaning Schedules and Procedures have been put into place. Our cleaning teams will be operating throughout the day, cleaning and disinfecting mall facilities with a focus on all areas that come into regular physical contact with customers such as doors, WC facilities, communal furniture and shopping trolleys/baskets.
Closure of sit-down restaurants & gyms will be implemented at facilities to prevent the spread of infection. Please note that all takeaway or delivery businesses are still up and running.
In an effort to keep retail experiences at our mall facilities as safe and effective as possible we encourage our customers to:
Remember there is enough for everyone. We understand public concern has prompted stock pile purchasing of specific items. Please bear others in mind and buy what you need to maintain fair distribution of products and alleviate pressure on supply chains.
If you have any symptoms (fever, coughing, runny nose, sore throat, diarrhoea), please do not visit any of the mall facilities, including the office spaces. The virus is incredibly contagious and we must all do our best to minimise the spread. If you have travelled to a high risk country (Anywhere in the European Union, United Kingdom & Ireland, China, South Korea and Iran) recently please do not visit any mall facilities for a minimum of 7 days after your return to Zambia.
Let us know If you have visited the mall recently and are confirmed as carrying COVID-19. Please email our management team so they may implement extra measures to ensure the safety of returning customers.
Wash your hands frequently (for 20 seconds minimum with soap and warm water) or use hand sanitiser throughout the day.
If you cough of sneeze please do so into a tissue (throw this away immediately) and wash your hands.
Physical distances of 2 meters should be maintained when possible from other shoppers.
Our team is working hard to ensure we provide the best service to you during this period so that our facilities may remain a safe place for the community to eat, work and shop.
Yours Faithfully,
Napoli Property Management Team